Contributed by Michael Walker of Unison.
Cycle Workers' Union 1897
Nottingham was considered one of the most important centres of the British Cycle manifactoring industry from its earliest times. In 1897 a unique union for the workers making cycles was established in Nottingham, the apptly named Cycle
Workers' Union. Within months the new union could claim three branches, the No1 brancch of the union was based at Beeston.
The Nottingham Trades Union Council gave it its 'heartiest support' to the new union, much to the annoyance of well estbalished unions such as the Engineering Union who opposed its development. However, the union did not last long and by the end of the year branches No2 and No3 were reported as defunct and the membership of No1 branch was reported as just 64.
Source: Peter Wyncoll The Nottingham Labour Movement 1880-1939
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