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Brighton & Hove Clarion Cycling Club | ||
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Brighton and Hove Section of the Clarion Cycling Club Clarion Cycling Club Brighton and Hove Section AGM 2011 Tuesday 18 January at 8 pm at 104 Bonchurch Road, Brighton [Bonchurch Road is between Elm Grove and Hartington Road - coming up Elm Grove it is on the left after the school. Going up Hartington Rd from Lewes Road it is first on the right.] AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of 2010 AGM 3. Any matters arising not covered by other agenda items. 4. Secretary's Annual Report 2010 (Ian) 5. Treasurer's report - Financial statement (Jim) Other officers' reports. 8 Election of Officers Chair 9. Annual Conference Business (see forwarded documents from Ian Clarke) Representation? 10. Proposals for activities in 2011 11. A.O.B Ian Bullock, Secretary. Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting Present were, Ian Bullock, Sue Bullock, Joyce Edmond-Smith (Chair), Jim Grozier, Bob Harber, Roger Hinton, Suzanne Hinton, Jenny Millington, Fred Pipes, and Tessa Wolfe-Murray Apologies for absence were received from Anne Barry, Mick Barry, Chloe Bullock, , Colette Harber, Brian Hutton, Amanda Ostermann, Alice Smith, and Mark Strong At the beginning in opening the meeting Joyce spoke for us all in deeply regretting that Sheila was not - as usually in the past - present at our AGM. She reminded us of what an active member Sheila had been, even after illness prevented her from participating in any more rides 2. The minutes of the 2009 AGM were agreed as accurate. 3. There were no Matters Arising. Secretary's Annual Report for 2008 Ian's report had been circulated with the agenda papers. It was accepted, with thanks to the Secretary and to those who had organised rides and social events in 2009. 5.Treasurer's Report - Financial Statement Jim had received a balance of £9.52 from Ian with which he opened the B&H Clarion bank account. Details follow: Balance as of 2009 AGM £22.32 Expenditure Sending membership renewal cheques by recorded delivery £1.08 Balance transferred to Treasurer £9.52 Jim reported that, to date £23 in membership fees had been received The balance at that point was £37.50. More subscriptions were received during the meeting bringing the total to £41.52. 6. Easter Meet Report Bob reported on the plans for the Easter Meet at Eastbourne and circulated a flyer and a provisional programme. He raised a doubt about the suitability of the Cuckoo's Rest as a lunch-stop on the leisure ride and Ian undertook to investigate. 7. Election of Officers The following were then duly nominated, seconded and elected. Chair - Joyce Edmond Smith Social Secretary - Suzanne had not wished to continue in this role and there were no other volunteers, so it was decided that she and Joyce would act as a 'Social Secretariat' with Suzanne taking the lead on a summer event and Joyce on a winter/Christmas one on the understanding that others would assist as needed. Suzanne was thanked for her work in 2009. 9. Annual Conference Delegates. It was agreed that all members attending the Easter Meet at Eastbourne would be a joint delegation at the conference with Ian as the named delegate in charge of the card vote. Position on Motions - Delegates' instructions. Ian explained that because the normal timetable had been delayed it was still possible to submit nominations and motions and that there were likely to be further motions, rule changes and amendments from other sections. He would circulate these and if necessary call a further meeting to discuss them (see Conference motions circulated before the AGM for details). It was agreed to support provisional motion a to Amend Rule 3.1 by the National Committee (names of sections) motion b (junior members - but see below for amendment) and the National Treasurer's motion on contributing to Go-Ride. It was left to the delegation to decide on the other motions from the National Committee and the Treasurer. If the motion to introduce a new Rule 6.9 appeared on the agenda it was agreed to support it and if necessary second it. It was agreed to submit the following amendment to National Committee motion b Delete 'via- Go Ride' in first sentence. Delete second sentence. Proposals for activities in 2010 Boots and Spurs. Fred volunteered to select a report (or combination of reports) for submission during the year Dieppe ride Joyce reported on the latest situation. Festivals etc It had not proved possible to follow up on the idea of planning rides to destinations where specific events - such as the Chiddingly Festival - were taking place in 2009 but it was agreed to bear this in mind when planning rides in 2010. Other Business Roger made a plea for more people to take on the planning and leading of rides. There was considerable discussion out of which two main points emerged. Planning and leading rides could be separate operations and it was often useful to have more than one person involved in this. Such partnerships would be very welcome. Roger and Suzanne were thanked for their hospitality in hosting the meeting. Ian Bullock, Secretary. 30 January 2010 Minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting Present were Ann Barry, Mick Barry, Ian Bullock, Sue Bullock, Joyce Edmond-Smith, Jim Grozier, Roger Hinton, Suzanne Hinton, Fred Pipes, Adam Pride and Alice Smith. 1. Apologies for absence were received from Simon Birnstingl, Jeff Bradley, Chloe Bullock, Richard Carroll, Angela Coulter, Caroline Fife, David Furnham, Bob Harber, Colette Harber, Brian Hutton, Leon Moore, Amanda Ostermann, Sandra Packham, Neil Peckham and Debbie Sperring. 2. The minutes of the 2008 AGM were agreed as accurate. 3. There were no Matters Arising. Annual Report for 2008 The Secretary's draft had been circulated with the agenda papers. It was accepted, with thanks to the Secretary and to those who had organised rides and social events in 2008. 5. Financial Statement The statement for 2008 showing expenditure of £13.02 and a balance of £22.32 was accepted. 6. Cycle Forum representation 6.1 Roger asked his thanks to Jim for deputising for him at several meetings be After much discussion it was agreed that the Forum representative would flag up any issues likely to be controversial for inclusion in the Circular and that Fred would open an on-line forum to encourage the widest possible discussion. 7. Election of Officers The following were then duly nominated, seconded and elected. Chair - Joyce Edmond Smith Vice Chair – Jim Grozier Secretary - Ian Bullock Treasurer - Jim Grozier Social Secretary - Suzanne Hinton Racing Secretary – Bob Harber Webmaster - Fred Pipes Cycle Forum representative - Roger Hinton
8. Membership Fee for 2009 and 2010 8.1 The suspension of the Section subscription for 2009 was formally agreed. It was agreed that the £1 Section subscription would be reinstated in 2010. At some convenient point the Treasurer would open a bank account in the name of the Section and the Secretary would transfer the existing balance. 9. Annual Conference Delegates. It was agreed that all members attending the Easter Meet at Ramsbottom would act as a joint delegation at the conference. Ian and Sue were definitely attending and it was likely that Fred would be too. Bob would also be attending in his national capacity. Position on Motions - Delegates' instructions. Ian reported that he had been informed that the Fenland Section motion had been withdrawn It was unanimously agreed to oppose the National Committee rule change motion to give the Committee power to refuse applications without giving a reason and to also oppose – if it became the substantive motion - the amendment. The delegation would decide at the time in the light of how the debate seemed to be developing whether or not to tactically initially support the amendment– which requires that a reason be given and is therefore somewhat less objectionable than the main motion. There was unanimous agreement that such matters should be left to Sections to deal with locally where necessary. The meeting agreed that applications for membership should be accepted from anyone willing to accept the constitution and rules of the NCCC and that Rule 4.6 is adequate to deal with any subsequent damaging behaviour by a member. The delegation would support all the other motions unless convinced by any case argued against them. Proposals for activities in 2009 Other Business Ian and Sue were thanked for their hospitality in hosting the meeting. Ian Bullock, Secretary, 4 February 2009 Clarion Cycling Club Brighton and Hove Section AGM 2009 8 pm on Tuesday 3 February at 104 Bonchurch Road, Brighton. [Bonchurch Road is between Elm Grove and Hartington Road – coming up Elm Grove it is on the left after the school. Going up Hartington Rd from Lewes Road it is first on the right. If you can't make it please e mail (or phone –[01273] 682133) apologies and anything you'd like me to raise on your behalf. I will report all that I receive to the meeting.] AGENDA * = explanatory note in Secretary's annual report. 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of 2008 AGM 3. Any matters arising not covered by other agenda items. 4. Annual Report 2008 - other officers' reports. Financial statement and discussion of arrangements and possible restitution of the section Discussion of role of Cycle Forum representative – requested by Roger and Jim.* 7. Election of Officers Chair Vice Chair Secretary/Treasurer (these can be separated if the meeting wishes, depending in part on what is decided under item 5) Social Secretary Racing Secretary Webmaster Cycle Forum representative 8. To confirm formally the suspension 2009 of the Section membership fee 9. Annual Conference Business Representation Position on motions 10 Proposals for activities in 2009 11. A.O.B Ian Bullock, Secretary. Financial Statement for 2008 Income SUBSCRIPTIONS £00.00 Brought forward from 2007 £35.34 Expenditure Renewal of webpage domain £6.56 Postage – mailing to non-internet members & Total outgoings £13.02 Balance carried forward £22.32 2009 AGM Agenda Item 4 Annual Report A Very Sad Departure The death of Ed (aka Ted) Furey (he insisted during his last few years that he preferred to be called Ed but many of us had known him as Ted for decades) was a shock and a great sadness for all of us. Although Ed was only seen a couple of times on Clarion rides he was – with Joyce and myself – one of the founder members of the Section. He was Chair until the last AGM and doubtless would have been re-elected but he preferred to step down and take on the role of Social Secretary instead. We will all have our own particular memories of Ed/Ted. Mine include the frequent messages brimming with suggestions he would send me couched in a sort of mixture of franglais and jazz-speak which was his own invention; these at least weekly emails often got my brain going in the morning deciphering the meaning – or at least trying. And I'm really glad that (a few years before the Section was formed) Sue and I were able to take him with us to Paris to see the end of one of the, now seven, Tours de France won by his hero Lance Armstrong. The Year's Rides Altogether there were 26 rides during 2008. A very good feature of them – especially from my point of view – was that only 14, including the New Year's Day and TakePart rides – were led by me, while Jim took on 6 (including the Clarion contribution to the Toll Bridge Ride), Roger 4 and Leon 2. At least that's my count. Please put me right if I've got it wrong. There should have been another one of mine – and the planning/organisation was mine – on the day my back wheel more or less disintegrated and Suzanne took over and shepherded the survivors round the course in an exemplary way. A few members also went to London in July to participate in one organised by Nick. I missed the Toll Bridge ride this year, but it was great to see that all our efforts – and lots and lots of other people's – over the last few years had paid off when the bridge re-opened after the repairs and renovations had been completed Membership We ended 2008 with 34 paid-up members. We'd had 30 at the end of 2007. I will report the latest position at the meeting. The Website and Circulars Fred continued his magnificent work as webmaster. A new feature for 2008 was my 'serialisation' in the Circular and then on the 'history page' of early material about the formation of the Clarion Cycling Clubs in that paper in 1894 – and other bits and pieces from the same source that I thought might be of interest. I hope they were! I intend to continue with this. Something else I will follow up on as time permits is the contact I made with Margaret Newman and Derek Cover which has led to some very interesting material about our predecessor Brighton Section in the 1940s/50s. Social Activities Joyce took over after Ed's death and organised a very successful picnic and - with Roger's help with the boules - a very good Christmas get-together. I'll leave it to her to report more fully on these activities. AGM Agenda – Section Finance and Subscriptions (Item 5) The current running costs of the Section are very small – renewing the website domain every couple of years and postage (mainly communications about subs with the National Membership Secretary, mailing membership cards to people I don't see on rides or elsewhere and occasional mailings to Brian who is not on email). To begin with in 2004 we had no Section fee, but at the 2005 AGM we decided to add £1 to the then national fee of £4 and this was continued the following year. It was easy to collect since many members just handed me a £5 note! At the start of 2007 we had plenty of cash for immediate needs and we suspended our £1 local sub that year and again in 2008. We didn't open a bank account but I kept tabs on our funds and issued a financial statement to the AGM, which was accepted by it every year. As this year's statement will show, we can still continue to live on our accumulated 'fat' for a while longer and I consulted officers in December and got agreement that we would continue the subscription suspension for 2009. Jim,however,was uncertain about this and after discussing it with him I agreed to put the whole issue on the agenda. I would also like to take the opportunity of making clear my own position. I would like someone else to take over as Treasurer - especially when we decide to reinstate a Section sub as we shall have to do sometime. And I think at that point it would be sensible to open a bank account – if the credit crunch leaves any banks still standing – into which I will pay what remains of the Section's funds to which any new subs can be added. We could elect a Treasurer this year who could open the bank account or we could leave that until next year – but we will need one sooner or later. One possibility would be to make a definite decision about the 2010 sub this year, which would enable the Treasurer to take advantage of the psychologically useful moment of the New Year to start getting in the subs- national and local. With a bank account opened, we could make our £7, or whatever, cheques payable to 'Brighton and Hove Clarion Cycling Club' and the Treasurer could write a single cheque for the National fees which I could then send to the National Membership Secretary in the usual way. We can carry on as we are for a bit longer – but sooner or later we will have to do something along these lines. An alternative to setting the sub so far in advance would be to hold a special sub-setting meeting towards the end of the year or alternatively to hold the AGM much earlier in the first week of January. What do you think? AGM Agenda - Cycle Forum and Representation (Item 6) Roger has represented us with Jim deputising for several of the year's meetings. We should record our thanks to both for representing us so ably. The issue that I've flagged up on the agenda for discussion arose just before the most recent meeting. Roger couldn't make it but he emailed Jim drawing his attention to the likelihood that the proposed new cycle route between the Pier and the Marina would be discussed at the coming meeting which Jim was going to attend. And he added
But Jim had a different view. He replied:
And he went on to make the point – which Roger endorsed.
There was very little time (about 24 hours!) but I sent out these views to all members and asked anyone with a strong view on the issue to contact Jim straightaway. I know Simon did; there may have been others. I also supported the idea of discussing the general issue of the way we wanted to be represented at the AGM and added
Which we will do! Ian Bullock, Secretary. January 2009 Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting Present were Ann Barry, Mick Barry, Jeff Bradley, Ken Bodfish, Ian Bullock, Sue Bullock, Joyce Edmond-Smith, Ed Furey, Bob Harber, Roger Hinton, Suzanne Hinton 1. Apologies for absence were received from Simon Birnstingl, Chloe Bullock, Helen Byrne, Richard Carroll, Caroline Fife, Jim Grozier, Brian Hutton, Leon Moore, Fred Pipes, Sue Pringle, Sheila Schaffer, and Allen Turner. 2. The minutes of the 2007AGM were agreed as accurate. 3. Matters Arising. 8 Activities for 2007. Joyce asked to be reminded whether the proposed summer social event – possibly a Stanmer Park picnic – had taken place. It had not. Later in the meeting the Social Secretary undertook to try to arrange something this year. Annual Report for 2007. 4.1 The Secretary's draft had been circulated with the agenda papers. It was accepted, with a vote of thanks to the Secretary. Mick raised the question of possible links with other Clarion groups. The Secretary would explore this but believed there were no other groups within the sort of radius that would make this possible. Bob said that it should be understood that there were a range of activities, not all of them racing ones, in other Clarion sections. He also drew attention to the local CTC mid-week rides 4.3 The financial statement was accepted. 5. Election of Officers Ed said he did not wish to be nominated for the position of Chair. The following were then duly nominated, seconded and elected. Chair - Joyce Edmond Smith Vice Chair – Jim Grozier Secretary/Treasurer - Ian Bullock Social Secretary - Ed Furey Racing Secretary – Bob Harber Webmaster - Fred Pipes The creation of a new position of Cycle Forum representative was moved by the Secretary, seconded and agreed. Roger Hinton was elected. Joyce undertook to renew contacts and help Roger to determine the current position as regards the Forum. A vote of thanks to all the 2007 officers was recorded. 6. Membership Fee for 2008. It was agreed to suspend the Section membership fee for the current year. 7. Annual Conference Delegates. It was agreed that all members attending the Easter Meet at Stamford would act as a joint delegation at the conference. Bob would definitely attend Annual Conference Proposals - Delegates' instructions. 7.2.1 It was agreed to support all the proposed Rule Changes 7.2.2 Expulsion of Charles Jepson Bob pointed out that the current position was that Charles Jepson was expelled and was appealing against this. He outlined recent developments. After considerable discussion the meeting agreed with one against and two abstentions to support the idea of suspending the application of the expulsion, or of reinstating Charles Jepson's membership later, subject to his not reneging on his undertaking that the '1895' section would revert to its previous name of Oakhill –or some other acceptable name – after the Glasgow to Barcelona ride. Bolton motions It was agreed, with one abstention to vote against both motions from the two Bolton sections 8. Other Business 8.1 Ken suggested that Joyce write to the Argus in support of the sensible and responsible approach to cycling exemplified by the Clarion. Ian pointed out that both Joyce and he had recently urged this in correspondence on the local cycling network. . Mick argued that the thrust of any letter should contrast the danger caused by cyclists as being by any measure insignificant compared to the danger of physical or financial harm caused by the drivers of motor vehicles, while the benefits of cycling to the cyclist and the environment, contrast with the pollution and congestion caused by motor vehicles. Joyce would consider writing as Chair of the Clarion CC when it seemed appropriate. 8.2 Ian read a message from Jim in which he urged the AGM to agree to 'send in a resumé of the years activities to Boots and Spurs (can be any year not necessarily calendar) and someone assigned/volunteered to write it' Bob said that our participation in the Toll Bridge campaign and in efforts to improve facilities in Brighton and Hove would provide some suitable material. Ian pointed out that his piece headed 'Brighton Clarion member plays key role in getting £3M for local cycling' had appeared in the Boots and Spurs 'Round the Sections' feature in Spring 2006 and that he had responded to an earlier suggestion by Jim and submitted quite a long article on the Toll Bridge rides which was yet to appear. It was agreed to bear Jim's suggestion in mind for later in the year. In the meantime ideas for content and volunteers would be welcomed. Ken asked about whether we were involved as an organisation with the South Downs Campaign. It was agreed he would explore this and act as our representative pro tem. Ian and Sue were thanked for their hospitality in hosting the meeting Ian Bullock, Secretary. 24 January 2008 AGM 2008 8 pm on Wednesday 23 January at 104 Bonchurch Road, Brighton. [Bonchurch Road is between Elm Grove and Hartington Road – coming up Elm Grove it is on the left after e the school. If you can't make it please e mail (or phone [01273] 682133) apologies and anything you'd like me to raise on your behalf. I will report all that I receive to the meeting.] AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of 2007 AGM 3. Any matters arising not covered by other agenda items. 2. Annual Report 2007 - officers' reports. 4. Election of Officers Chair Secretary Treasurer Social Secretary Racing Secretary Webmaster Local Cycle Forum representative* [I've added this to the list in anticipation. We will need the AGM to agree to this first. The constitution (q.v) allows for 'any other position determined by the AGM' 6. Membership Fee for 2008. Secretary will propose that in the light of our current financial situation we again suspend the Section membership fee for 2008. The website will need to be renewed in 2008 but this will still leave us with more than enough to cover other expenses, chiefly postage 7. Annual Conference Business 8. Proposals for activities in 2008 9. A.O.B Ian Bullock, Secretary. Minutes of the 2007 Annual General Meeting Present were Jeff Bradley, Ian Bullock, Sue Bullock, Joyce Edmond-Smith, Ed Furey (Chair), Jim Grozier, Bob Harber, Fred Pipes and Sheila Schaffer. 1. Apologies for absence were received from Ann and Mick Barry, Chloe Bullock, Tim Hailley, Roger and Suzanne Hinton, John Hopper, Brian Hutton, Neil Peckham and Mark Strong. 2. The minutes of the 2006 AGM were agreed as accurate. 3. Matters Arising. 3.2 Bolton Wood Street Clarion. Ian reported that he had sent the letter of support as instructed and had publicised the memorial banner project, suggesting that members send donations. 4. Annual Report for 2006. 4.3 The financial statement was accepted. 5. Election of Officers 5.2 The following were then proposed, seconded and elected without opposition. Chair - Ed Furey Vice Chair – Joyce Edmond-Smith Secretary - Ian Bullock Social Secretary - Ed Furey Racing Secretary – Bob Harber Webmaster - Fred Pipes Treasurer - Ian Bullock. 6. Membership Fee for 2007. It was agreed to suspend the Section membership fee for the current year. 7. Annual Conference. Annual Conference Proposals - Delegates' instructions. After considerable discussion the meeting agreed the following: (see list of motions previously circulated) Amend Rule 1.1 (by Bury & Fenland) Support Amend rule 1.2 : (by committee) Opposee. Amend rule 1.2 : (by Oakhill and also by Bolton (Wood St)) Oppose Amend rule 2.1 (by committee) Oppose (but delegates to commend if possible the reference to cycling as 'a lifestyle choice that is environmentally sustainable and beneficial to the physical and mental health of society.') Amendment to rule 5.4: (by committee) Support New rule after 5.4: (by committee) Support Amend rule 5.4 (by Oakhill and also by Bolton (Wood St)) Oppose New rule after 5.4 (by Oakhill and also by Bolton (Wood St)) Oppose Delegates would listen to the arguments put forward in respect to all the other amendments and motions and vote accordingly. 7.3 Election of Secretary It was agreed, by 6 votes to 3, to vote for Charles Jepson. 8. Activities for 2007. Joyce suggested that we look at the possibility of at least one social event during the summer – possibly a picnic in Stanmer Park. This was agreed. Joyce was thanked for her hospitality in hosting the AGM once again. Ian Bullock, Secretary. 8 February 2007 Financial Statement for 2006-12-24 Income SUBSCRIPTIONS £35 Brought forward from 2005 £18.91 Total income £53 91 Expenditure Renewal of domain name for website for 2 years £6.79 Postage – mailing to non-internet members & Total outgoings £10. 59 Balance carried forward £43.32 AGM 2007 8 pm on Wednesday 7 February at 32 Bentham Road, Brighton. [Bentham Road is between Elm Grove and Queen's Park Road coming up Elm Grove it is on the right, nearly opposite the school. If you can't make it please e mail (or phone [01273] 682133) apologies and anything you'd like me to raise on your behalf. This year your views on the election for national Secretary and on the proposed [national] constitutional changes would be welcome. I will report all that I receive to the meeting.] AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of 2006 AGM 3. Any matters arising not covered by other agenda items. 2. Annual Report 2006 - officers' reports. 4. Election of Officers
6. Membership Fee for 2007 Secretary will propose that in the light of our current financial situation we suspend the Section membership fee for 2007. 7. Annual Conference Business
8. Proposals for activities in 2007 9. A.O.B Ian Bullock, Secretary. AGM 2006 8pm on Wednesday 1 February at 32 Bentham Road, Brighton. [Bentham Road is between Elm Grove and Queen's Park Road – coming up Elm Grove it is on the right, nearly opposite the school. If you can’t make it please e mail (or phone [01273] 682133) apologies and anything you'd like me to raise on your behalf. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of 2005 AGM 3. Any matters arising not covered by other agenda items. 2. Annual Report 2005 – officers' reports. 4. Election of Officers Chair 5.Motion to instruct the Secretary to send a message of support for the memorial banner project of the Bolton Wood Street Clarion. [see message from the National Secretary in 7 December circular – reproduced below] 6. Membership Fee for 2006 [We added £1 to the national subscription in 2005 making the total up to £5 Do we change this or keep things as they are?] 7. Annual Conference Business 8. Proposals for activities in 2006 9. A.O.B Ian Bullock, Secretary. Extract from 7 December Circular From Charles Jepson, National Secretary, Clarion CC. Charles address is: Minutes of the 2006 Annual General Meeting Present were Ian Bullock, , Joyce Edmond-Smith, Ed Furey, Bob Harber, Andie Perry, and Fred Pipes. Ed Furey chaired. 1. Apologies for absence were received from Chloe Bullock, Sue Bullock, Roger Hinton, John Hopper, Brian Hutton, Neil Peckham, Sheila Schaffer, and Terry Thomas. 2. The minutes of the January 2005 AGM were agreed as accurate. 3. Matters Arising. Co-operation with Bricycles. Fred confirmed that a much greater degree of co-ordination now existed and pointed out that Bricycles had publicised some of our rides. They were not doing any of their own at the moment, but he would alert Ian when there was the opportunity to reciprocate by including details in Clarion circulars. 4. Annual Report for 2005. The Secretary's draft had been circulated with the agenda papers. Ian updated the membership section and Joyce and Bob the part dealing with 'Cycling in Brighton' [See Annual Report for details] Joyce reported on finances. [See Financial Statement] 5. Election of Officers. The following were proposed, seconded and elected without opposition. Chair – Ed Furey 6. Bolton Wood Street Clarion. Ian moved that he be instructed, as Secretary, to send a message of support, to the new Bolton Wood Street Clarion's memorial banner project. This was agreed unanimously. 7. Membership Fee for 2006. It was agreed to keep the annual subscription at £5 (the £4 national fee plus £1 local contribution) for 2006. To make things as simple as possible all subscriptions would be sent to the Secretary with the Treasurer acting as auditor. 8 Annual Conference. It was agreed that Bob should act as the Section’s delegate. If any other member decided to attend the Easter Meet at Shrewsbury they could be accredited later. 9. Proposed activities for 2006. It was agreed that following the success of the New Forest weekend, Joyce would try and organise something similar on the Isle of Wight in the Spring/Early Summer. [Currently we have rides arranged or in the process of being organised up to 9 April] 10. Input into local policy/public opinion. Joyce urged that we should try and increase our input both via the Cycle Reps and City Cycling meetings, and when appropriate letters to the Argus. This was agreed Ian Bullock Annual Report for 2005 Membership Sunday Rides In all at least 32 people came on at least one of our rides in 2005. I've counted Ann, Annie, Angie, Anya, Catherine, Eliane, Erica, Fred, Helen, Ian, Jennifer Jim, John Joyce, Liz, Mano, Marilyn, Mark, Mei, Melita, Nadia, Neil, Richard C, Richard P, Roger, Sharen, Sheila, Sue P, Suzanne, Terry, Tessa, Tracey, but have an uncomfortable feeling that there is a third Richard and possibly a second Sue that I've missed out. Either way, it was nice to see such a nice variety of interesting folk – I hope to see all of them again at least once or twice in 2006. Other rides We made the Shoreham Tollbridge ride part of our regular programme. Ian, Joyce and Richard did the 32 mile version and Sheila the shorter route raising a few welcome pounds for the restoration project. Richard also did the London to Brighton this year Social events Cycling in Brighton Bob is now undertaking cycling training for Brighton and Hove schools. The Website Ian Bullock Financial Statement – as of 1 February 2006 Income for 2005 Subscriptions* £26 Expenditure Registration of domain name brightonandhove-clarion.org.uk postage (nominal –precise record was lost due to computer failure) £1 Total £7.09 Balance £18.91 * Of the membership subscription of £5, £4 is the national fee which is sent to the Membership Secretary and £1 the local subscription. This statement deals with the latter. |