Brighton & Hove Clarion Cycling Club | ||||
Brighton and Hove Section of the Clarion Cycling Club AGM 2005 8pm on Tuesday 11 January at 32 Bentham Road, Brighton. [Bentham Road is between Elm Grove and Queen's Park Road coming up Elm Grove it is on the right, nearly opposite the school. If you can't make it please e mail (or phone [01273] 682133) apologies and anything you'd like me to raise on your behalf. Agenda 1. Apologies for absence 2. Annual Report (see below) 3. Proposed change to the Constitution. To add to the officers of the section/management committee the posts of Racing Secretary, and Webmaster* 4. Election of Officers 6. Membership Fee for 2005 [We charged no additional section fee in 2004 which meant that we paid simply the national subscription of £4. Do we need to change this? 7. Annual Conference Business [see two pages below] 8. Proposals for activities in 2005 --------------------------- Ian Bullock, Secretary. Annual Report for 2004 Membership We began last February with just the three members needed to form the section. We ended the year with 16. But this is not the whole story – there are nearly 40 people (including the 16 members) on the mailing list – six 'guests' actually managed to come for a ride (or two) with us at one time or another. Perhaps we can tempt more people out in 2005? It was particularly satisfying when – as a result of a piece that Adam Trimingham did about us in the Argus – we were contacted by Brian Hutton, cycling correspondent for the paper, who had been a member of the Clarion in Brighton in the 1950s. Though he's not able to cycle these days Brian has joined us. His fascinating and at time very funny account of the cycle race scene in the post-Second World War period appeared later in Boots and Spurs. Sunday Rides Right from the start we decided that though other organisations – notably the CTC – provided a good programme of longer rides there was a niche that we might try to fill for putting on less demanding ones that might attract those of us who don't often feel like riding 50-70 miles but would like the opportunity to get out on a bike with others regularly. Once a fortnight seemed right given that most of us sometimes have other things to do on Sundays so that's what we settled for. Our first ride was on 18 April and we have kept to the fortnightly pattern since making a total of 18 'runs' altogether. We've had a couple of occasions when on no one except the ride organiser has turned up, but generally we have had a comfortable small handful of people – averaging 4 to 5. Other rides I took part in the 'Clarion café' ride organised by the national secretary in June. Bob's now legendary Alpine tour and Audax activities were reported and left most members feeling breathless and full of admiration. The Website A 'great leap forward' was achieved when Fred joined us and fixed us up with a splendid website containing not only up-to-date information about our activities but useful links with many other organisations, a 'history' section, a cycling in Brighton section and much else. Social events In April Ed, Sue and I met Bob and Colette at the Veteran Cycle Day at Amberley Working Museum and in June seven of us made it to Fernhurst to see Pedal Power: The continuing journey of the National Clarion Cycling Club, an excellent production by the Mikron Theatre Company which we all enjoyed and found inspiring. Ten members and friends attended the Christmas Get-Together at the Swan, Falmer – four arriving by bike – in December, while 7 of us made it by bike (and 1 by car) to Bob's New Year's Day party. Cycling in Brighton In June Joyce, Mark and I took part in the Bike Week 'Bike to campus' ride. Tim and Chris were also present. I have represented the Section at both the Brighton and Hove Councils cycling group meetings and 'City Cycling' which is a sub-group of the Brighton and Hove Active Living Task Force. A particular concern that I have attempted to stress is the unsatisfactory state of parts of the cycle lane network and the problem of regular parking in cycle lanes in spite of double yellow lines with, seemingly, little or no enforcement of the supposed restrictions. On the 'every little helps' principle we have publicised events such as the Sustrans Trail-Blazing Ride. Ian Bullock Annual Conference We will be entitled to as many votes as we have members on 19 March. But we only get to exercise these if we have a delegate (or delegates) present. You can access the constitution on the national website; click on 'Clarion rules and constitution' There are a number of proposed rule changes. If we wish to propose amendments to any of them this will have to be done at the AGM; we have to inform the National Secretary by 5 February. Most of the proposals are about racing awards. I hope Bob and Brian (and anyone else who understands these things!) will be able to give us some guidance. Fenland Clarion are proposing New Rule 7.2 to read Eligibility for any National Clarion award must be a first claim member of either the National Clarion or one of its Sections. Bury Clarion proposes to amend Rule 10.2 to read The title of 50 mile time trial champion shall be awarded to the fastest Clarion rider in a 50 mile time trial designated by the national committee. The champion to be awarded a medal and hold the Rylance, Linklater, Ogden Trophy for a year Bury also proposes a New Rule 10.15 to read 10.15.1 Qualifying events are those listed in the CTT (RTTC) handbook and Association events timed by official CTT timekeepers (e g the North Lancashire Time Trials Association), 10.15.2 Claimants must be members of the Clarion Cycling Club on the day of the event. 10.15.3 Categories relate to solo male, solo female, tricycle, tandem male, tandem female and tandem mixed. The committee may at their discretion approve other records. After 'all comers' the age categories to be from up to but not including the following birthdays of claimants Juvenile 16th birthday, then junior until claimant's 18th birthday; from 40th to 50th, from 50th until 60th; from 60th until 70th; from 70th until 80th; over 80th. 10.15.4 A claimant in any age category does not have to beat the record of the holder of a greater age category to qualify for the record. 10.15.5 All claims to be made to the Records Secretary by 31st December of the year in which the record was set. 10.15.6 Claimants must produce documentary evidence of their claim which will normally be a Photostat copy of the CTT (RTTC) results sheets Bury Clarion also proposes to delete the following rules: 11.1 11.2, 11.4 12.1 while Oakhill Clarion wishes to delete 10.14 and 11.3 (see national website – if you can't access this and wish to see the proposed deletions please contact me.) The National Committee have two amendments to propose: Rule 10.3 insertion of 'Alec Holliday Memorial Cup' to now read: The title of Clarion 10 Mile Time Trial Champion and the Alec Holliday Memorial Cup shall be awarded to the fastest Clarion rider in the 10 mile time-trial championship organised in the name of the Clarion or any Clarion Section. The Clarion Committee shall designate the event for the forthcoming year. A medal shall be awarded to the champion. Rule 13.1 insertion of 'Alf Taylor Memorial Cup' to now read: The title Cyclo-Cross Champion, the Alf Taylor Memorial Cup and a medal shall be awarded to the highest placed rider in the annual Clarion Cyclo-Cross Championships. Medals shall be awarded to the first Senior, first Woman, first Veteran and first Junior. Rule changes require a two-thirds majority. I have also had notice of nominations for officers and committee members. In most cases of the former there is only one nominee President – John Leese (nominated by Central, Heanor, and Oakhill sections) The position of Chair has attracted two nominations – Ian Clarke (nominated by Bury Clarion) and Denis Pye (nominated by Stockport Clarion) There appear to be no nominations for Minute Secretary and Social Secretary. If , like me, you are wondering about the position of Membership Secretary – currently the excellent Merlin Evans – see rule 5.4 of the constitution. There are 3 nominations for two vacancies on the national Committee Ruth Coates (nominated by Bury and Oakhill) Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the prospective Brighton and Hove Section of the National Clarion Cycling Club. Taking Part Ian Bullock It was agreed 1. to form a Brighton and Hove Section 2. to adopt the draft constitution as circulated and amended. 3. to apply to affiliate to the National Clarion Cycling Club. 4. that until the 2005 AGM or an EGM called by the Management Committee prior to that Ted Furey would act as Chair, Ian Bullock would act as Secretary and as Joyce Edmond-Smith Treasurer. 5. that until otherwise determined the membership fee would be simply the national subscription as determined by the national conference (currently £4 p.a.). |