The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
71. A Clarion CC for SW London?…
Still with Swiftsure's column for 1 June 1895. (Which may inspire our London members and friends, though it's doubtful that Mr Crisp still lives at the same address.)
Will all cycling Clarionettes who have not already done so, and who reside in any of the undermentioned places, please communicate with W.H. Crisp, 45, Wirtemberg Street, Clapham, S.W re formation of Clarion C.C. for S.W. London? Clapham, Brixton, Westminster, South Lambeth, Camberwell, Walworth, Battersea, and any part of the S.W district generally.
Next time. A piece in the daily press inspires (?) some verse
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