The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
69. Some of the dangers of cycling - according to Swiftsure
1) overheating
Fortunately, I don't think we're in too much danger of achieving a "perspiring condition" at this time of year; or, indeed of finding a "handy pump" at any time of year, but here's Swiftsure from his "Cycling Notes" in the Clarion, 1 June 1895.
The warning contained in the "Notes" of a Cycling News correspondent last week ought to be borne in mind by every cyclist, who, at this time of year, arrives at his journey's end in a more or less perspiring condition. The temptation to immerse one's head and face in the cool water from a handy pump is not easy to resist.
The correspondent in question seems to have yielded to this temptation with the result that his face broke out into small sores. His doctor attributed it to dipping his face in cold water whilst his blood was heated by riding.
It is therefore advisable, on arrival, to take a short walk until the heat of the body has moderated, and not to rush for a wash, as is usually the custom.
Next time. Some of the dangers of cycling - according to Swiftsure
2) overtaking on the inside.
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