The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
66. An editorial response… and another Clarion CC is formed.
This appeared in the Clarion on 18 May 1895, in the regular feature "The Clarion Post Bag Conducted by the Editor" in which, among several other things, Blatchford responded to the Bounder's "Philosophy of the Bicycle" Blatchford wrote:
THE Bounder is a great man but….
But he does not in the least understand the philosophy of the bicycle.
The philosophy of the bicycle hath hitherto been comprehended of none. In proof whereof I "put in" the following postcard sent on to me by the Candid One from leafy Warwickshire:-
I am on a tandem cycling tour with a chap who does all the work, whilst I sit behind and sleep. This is the end of every man's desire. He is a gent. The tandem is a beauty. The roads are perfect. The weather is glorious and the beauty of the country sublime. I am never coming back any more. Good-bye
If that communication does not breathe the very devinist spirit of cycling philosophy let striplings take me by the beard and call me a Tory.
The editor of the Scout is the real "Poor Man's Plato"
Which reminds me we want scouting corps in the following towns.
[A list of 30 towns – including Brighton – follows}
In the same issue Swiftsure's "Cycling Notes" included the following:
The secretary of the Hyde Clarion C.C requests me to say that there club has now been formed, and twelve members enrolled. Tomorrow (Saturday) they run to Woodhead, and on Sunday to Marple , where they intend holding a meeting. The hon.sec. is R Chadwick, 28 Grafton Street, Hyde, and all Clarionettes in the district are invited to attend.
Next time - Swiftsture returns to the treatment of pedestrians (very topical)
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