The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
62. More from the "Clarion Post Bag" 11 May 1895 Blatchford on The Scout
The second number of the Scout is a great improvement upon the first. It is a really good paper, and reflects credit upon the Candid Friend, as editor. There is no doubt that it fills a long felt want, and I hope every reader of the Clarion will order it. If only Clarionettes will rally round the Candid One, the Scout will soon be one of the most useful papers ever published. But it wants readers. At its present circulation the loss on it is rather severe. The Board are long-suffering men – but! The fact is we want at least 30.000 buyers for the Scout and we must have them.
Moreover , we want more Scouts and more Glee Clubs, Cycle Clubs and Nature Clubs, and we must have those
Next time. 11 May "Post-Bag" concluded – A Clarion call from Blatchford.
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