The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
61. A "testimonial" from John Trevor
Not for a change from Swiftsure's "Cycling Notes" but Blatchford himself from the "Clarion Post Bag" 11 May 1895
As I was saying, why has not Liverpool a Glee Club?
Yes and why have not all our towns Glee Clubs and Scouting Corps and Cycling Corps – that reminds me…
In this months Labour Prophet John Trevor * alludes to the Scout in the following friendly words:-
The rasping nature of Continental Socialism and of certain sections of English Socialism, too, makes one realise the debt that England owes to Robert Blatchford and the men of the Clarion. They have humanised us, they have taught us, without preaching at us, that smiles are stronger than curses, and joy than bitterness. In the battle in which we are engaged this is a new force for our movement. It all means the awakening of life and strength and joy among us. Never was a cause better served than by our friends in the Clarion
* Trevor was the founder of the Labour Church – which some Clarion cyclists such as Tom Groom and the Birmingham Clarion were at least on friendly relations with. Labour Prophet was its regular organ.
Next time. Blatchford on The Scout
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