The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
60. The Scout and astonishment created at the Manchester Labour Demo.
But first a message from the 'I-can't-read-my-own-writing' department. The last issue had this sentence –
All are invited, whether they ride solids, customs, or pneumatics.
I assumed (moral - never assume) that 'customs' probably meant custom-made tyres. But it should have been 'cushions' - no, don't ask me!
Swiftsure's "Cycling Notes" on 11 May 1895: continued
Have you red all about the Clarion Cycling clubs? Have you seen the splendid offer to the committee of the National Clarion Cycling Union (sic), by a Clarion cyclist?
Without exaggeration The Scout is interesting to all from beginning to end.
This is neither an advertisment nor a "puff" but an expression of opinion, therefore set upon it without delay.
* * *
What the crowds of spectators thought of the Labour Demonstration in Manchester last Sunday, I cannot say, but a genuine sensation was caused by the unexpected appearance of upwards of a hundred cyclists, who led the procession throughout.
Riders from many of the surrounding towns had come to see the demonstration, eleven from as far away as Blackburn.
And without the slightest pre-arrangement, they all fell into line, and marched with their machines in perfect order, on on each side of the roadway.
Beyond a doubt it created wonderment in the minds of the populace almost beyond expression.
What bicycles had to do with a Labour Demonstation was impossible for them to tell. We astonished the natives of Ashbourne at Easter, but I think we created even greater astonishment to the inhabitants of Manchester and Salford.
Next time. From Blatchford's "Clarion Post Bag"
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