The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
52. The Clarion staff preparing for the first Easter Meet "The Evolution of the Cycle' The Clarion, 20 April 1895 - continued
The next evening when night's dark mantle had kindly blotted out London's grey hideousness, we ventured forth again, and wrestled for three hours with the jiggers, what time the small boys, who had brought other boys of their acquantance made remarks.
But at last we stuck on. And the small boys departed with sighs of disappointment.
* * * * *
The next day we went up to see Dangle and rode up and down outside the door.
Now her, the previous day, had charged madly at a dust-cart, with the result that his machine (in the language of the local repairer) had "buckled up" and had to be sent back.
When therefore he saw us cavorting up and down he sighed. When I say sighed I mean that he made remarks. Which may be taken as red.
Thus it was that Dangle, not having a jigger, went on from Derby to Ashbourne by train while Whiffley and I prepared for fortern miles of coller work.
More next time - The intrepid heroes of the Clarion staff finally arrive at the Ashourne Meet.
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