The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
46. Swiftsure on the Meet
[I got the number wrong last time – should have been 45 as Fred pointed out. Sorry. [was corrected on the website, in case you're confused - Fred]]
Still with Clarion, 20 April 1895.but now from Swiftsure's 'Cycling Notes'
The social and other aspects of the Ashbourne 'meet' will no doubt be written of elsewhere; I will only devote a few words to the result as it will affect the Clarion cycling clubs.
Unfortunately, through what I now know was a misunderstanding between the Birmingham men and myself, the practical result of the conference didn't at all meet the height of my expectations.
Had there been more consulatation beforehand between the various clubs interested, I feel sure the conference would have been more satisfactory.
But, however, a start has been made, and the formation of a National Clarion Cycling Club is a fact which, I believe will have far-reaching influence.
* * *
To come to a few particulars of the conference, I may say that a committee of three has been appointed to consider and draw up a few simple rules, and further, all other questions relative to it and the opinion of the Clarion Cycling Clubs at present formed, are referred for discussion and decision through the medium of "The Scout"
Next time – More from Swiftsure on the Meet.
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