The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
43. The Clarion Board and the Ashbourne Meet – and a plea for 'lady' members in Liverpool
Still from 13 April 1895
From Swiftsure's 'Notes'
I am informed that the Clarion Board will reach Ashbourne on Saturday afternoon and evening. And be it known to all, the-Bounder-will- be-there! Even La Belle France couldn't keep him from his duties to all Clarion cyclists as "President" of that pioneer organisation, the Birmingham Clarion C.C. And let all who are so inclined save for dire weather this Eastertide.
Next to Swiftsure's piece in that issue was 'Our Woman's Column-and-A-Half'. The following caught my eye.
The Liverpool Clarion Cycling Club is extremely anxious to enlist "lady" members. Any "votaries of the wheel" hereabouts please look up Hy. Cummins, hon.sec. L.C.C.C. 25, Rupert Grove, Liverpool. Cycling Clubs in other towns please copy – Liverpool, not this notice.
Next time. The Ashbourne Meet (at last!)
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