With the prospect of good roads and fine weather, no doubt most members of the Clarion Cycling Clubs will do their best to get into something like form for the meet at Ashbourne at Easter. The fifty, sixty or eighty miles which some will have to journey cannot be looked upon in the light of an afternoon's run.
Given fine weather it should prove a most enjoyable outing, and a means of further cementing those bonds which should unite the rapidly increasing band of Clarion cyclists.
The following letter will make known some of more particulars respecting the meet in addition to that published last week:-
Dear Sir
Birmingham Clarion C.C.
I am now able to give you more of our proposed plans for the Ashbourne meet. The Birmingham Club will arrive in Ashbourne on the Friday night. We propose to have an inter-club run on the Saturday morning, returning to Ashbourne for tea about five o'clock, and continuing the day with a smoking concert, at which it is hoped most of the clubs will be represented. On Sunday morning it is proposed, weather permitting, to walk to Dove Dale and having seen to the inner man, hold a conference at 1 o'clock at which the following items are down for discussion:-
A short description of the Birmingham Club and its objects. A resolution to form a National Clarion Cycling Club and the adoption of a National badge. The advisability of having a uniform code of rules for all Clarion Clubs. Discussion as to centre. Time and place of next meeting.
We hope to give full details as to accommodation in the first number of the Scout.
Yrs. fraternally
E. G. BROWNE Hon. Sec 30, Terrace Road, Handsworth, Birmingham
The Clarion C.C Manchester and District had two successful runs last Saturday and Sunday , over twenty members turning up for each run. Tomorrow the run is to Alderley. Meet at Fallowfield Station.