The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
35. Clarion cycling continues to spread as the first Meet approaches
More from Swiftsure in The Clarion 16 March 1895
Blackburn have made a start with their Clarion C.C. fourteen members having already given in their names. A Clarion C.C. is proposed for Wigan and all interested in its formation are asked to attend a meeting to be held for that purpose at the Ropemakers Arms, Caroline Street, Wallgate, on Saturday, 23 inst. at 3 p.m.
Liverpool Clarion C.C meet at Newsham Park Gates every Sunday morning at 10 a. m. until further notice
The C.C.C Manchester and district have their run next week to Lynn. I hope that even those who don't intend to journey any further will turn up at the meeting place, Trafford Bar.
Nelson has formed the Clarion Cycling Club and will be glad to arrange meets with any other clubs which have not yet completed their list.
The following week – 23 March 1895 – Swiftsure reported
Those who are anxious to learn more about the Clarion Cycling Clubs are
referred to the new monthly paper the Scout, which will be issued on the 30th inst.
It will contain a list of the clubs, their officers, rules etc and more
particularly their fixtures for April
Next time. Arrangements for the first Easter Meet.
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