The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
30. Stirrings at Rochdale, a Manchester reminder, more social activities in Birmingham, and a reminder about the first Easter Meet
In The Clarion, 9 February 1895 – Swiftsure's 'Cycling Notes' had a subheading
Another Clarion Cycling Club
J.T. Tetlow, of Rochdale informs me that a meeting will be held in the Rochdale I.L.P. Labour Hall, on Monday, at eight, to which all "Clarionettes" interested in the formation of the proposed club are invited. Already some fifteen or twenty are expected to join. Suggestions are also invited from other Clarion Cycling Club secretaries, as to the manner in which they dispose of their members' subscriptions, and any other information which may assist in bringing the clubs into line with each other..
Just a few words reminding Manchester cycling "Clarionettes" of the meeting next Sunday, the 10th inst., at the Labour Church Institute at 3 p m, for the purpose of passing the rules of the new cycling club.
And the following week – 16 February this appeared.
Birmingham Clarion C.C.
The O'Groomie O sends me a pleasant letter, which I haven't space to give in full. They are having 'une grande function' as their presidency would remark, on 21st inst, in the ballroom, Wrexham Road, Handsworth. Nearly 200 Clarion badges have already been sold and they wish to emphasise the fact that they do not make them for a profit, which some people imagine. The O'Groomie O makes a suggestion that meeting points should be arranged between several clubs, not forgetting the proposed meet at Ashbourne at Easter
Next time. Manchester CCC organises a '25' and Clarion CCs continue to spread
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