This first bit is as strange curiosity of the period, I think. It comes from Swiftsure's last 'Cycling Notes' of 1894 in the Clarion on 29 December that year:
H Cummins of the Liverpool Clarion C.C sends me a cutting giving an account of a most remarkable ride by a Mrs Maddocks, who rode a distance of 600 miles from Sydney to Melbourne, and actually on arrival weighed 28 lbs heavier than when she started. Comrade Cummins considers this a great feat, as he knows something of the condition of the roads which would have to be traversed, having lived in Australia.
It only adds another proof to my oft-expressed opinion that cycling for ladies is just as beneficial as it is for men, although I rather doubt whether many of us would actually weigh 28lbs heavier after a 600 mile jaunt. Come, you ladies of slender dimensions, who are anxious to increase your avoirdupois, take to cycling and hey! presto! Health, strength and an increase of weight are yours
In reference to the Liverpool Clarion C.C, H Cummins informs me that there are still numerous Clarionette cyclists in Liverpool holding aloof, and hopes they will come forward and join them, so as to enable them to make preparations for next season. The address of H Cummins, the honorary secretary is 25, Rupert Grove, Rupert Lane, Liverpool.