The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s
24. More support for a Manchester Clarion CC
In his 'Cycling Notes' on 29 December 1894 'Swiftsure' wrote:
C D Reekie of Bradford, Manchester writes me an interesting letter informing me of the intention of himself and a friend to join the proposed Clarion Cycling Club in Manchester. He also adds, 'Like all Socialists I am a dreamer, and have dreamt of that great day when the gigantic I.L.P picnic is to be held and I fancied I saw a team race between the different Klarion Klubs for the Klarion Kup. What price Manchester?'
By-the way , don't you think that the Bounder on matters cyculor about equals A J Balfour on Socialism? I am thinking of his Stanley Show report.
[The Bounder had reported the cycle show mentioned - not very convincingly from the standpoint of cyclists - a few weeks earlier. Balfour was of course the then future Tory prime minister – 1902-1905. At the time Swiftsure wrote he was leader of the opposition. Today he is mainly remembered for the 'Balfour' Education Act of 1902 and even more so – and very topically - for the 'Balfour Declaration' of 1917 which, in a letter to Lord Rothschild, supported the establishment of a Jewish 'national home' in Palestine, then still part of the Ottoman Empire which was one of Germany's allies in the First World War. At the time Balfour was Foreign Secretary in Lloyd George's coalition government.]
Swiftsure continued:
J Perry, of Hulme, hopes that the Manchester Clarion CC will be a real, live concern and adds 'Try if we cannot go one better than those Birmingham chaps'
But judging by the following that will be a difficult matter:-
Next time – 'the following' - the Birmingham CC's 'Smoker' and the first Easter Meet begins to take shape.
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