'Swiftsure' for the first time had a 'Clarion Cycling Column' within his 'Cycling Notes' on 22 September 1894.
As it is now the end of the season, perhaps a short report of the first year of Clarion cycling clubs may be interesting
Clarion Cycling Club No 1 as thus: [i. e. Birmingham CCC. IB]
Our first season has been a great success all round. We started early in March with five members, and now number thirty. We have had very good attendances on the runs, and those runs have been glorious – not a dull one on the fixture card; each with its own pleasant memories, and the whole crowned with the sense of goodfellowship.
This spirit of comradeship has increased with every run. And how can a fellow help being chummy after a good run along Warwickshire roads and lanes, a splendid feed at the journey's end (and shades of the Bounder, how we have learnt to eat!) and a quiet run home in the dark.
Our Socials have given great joy. The first Saturday's run in each month is arranged at some place where the non-cyclists can meet and help make things hum. The last of these – for this year – was held on the 1st inst. At Lichfield. The Potteries Clarionettes arrived and great was the joy thereof. The weather was fine, the roads were good, and the going rattling. The tea at the Dolphin was splendid and the 'smoker' which followed one of the most successful among a crowd of successes. The do you well at the Dolphin, and one of the feeds we had there will lie on our memories for years. Lichfield contains many parsons – also bishops. Cycling among bishops ought to be compulsory or else they should pad. The Potteries CC started homewards just after ten p.m. – thirty-two miles and pitch dark. We haven't heard of them since. Where's 'Clincher'?
On the whole we are very satisfied with our season. We have made real friends among ourselves; we have fraternised with Hanley, helped the Red Van, scattered Clarions and leaflets, helped the Cinderalla outings and have the Bounder for our President. What club can hope for more?
Next year we hope to fraternise with the many other Clarion C. Cs which do exist. Why not a big meet early in the spring – say Easter – of all the Clarion cyclists. Will other clubs help? Bradford, we look towards you. May we meet you at the meat? (sic)