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Brighton & Hove Clarion Cycling Club | ||
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Circular Dear fellow members and friends 22 February 2010 When I said that yesterday's ride was partly inspired by the very first one Sheila, Joyce and myself did in 2004 as a sort of commemoration of Sheila's time with us (along with some of her reports - see below) I didn't intend that the weather would repeat the torrential rain we 'enjoyed' on that first ride. And the weather forecasts were way out! (see Tessa's report below) Welcome! To Nick who has just joined us. We have many more people on our three general mailing lists who have not yet joined us, and while we wouldn't dream of pressurising anyone into doing so new recruits are always very welcome. If you would like to, follow the instructions at the bottom of the home page. Subs Nearly all our 2009 members have now rejoined and we hope that the remaining handful have just not got round to it - but will now, before the end of the month when Jim will be sending in the second - and we hope final - cheque to cover the national membership fees. So, if you haven't done yet please send £7 to Jim Grozier, 92a Springfield Road, Brighton BN1 6DE. Make your cheque (or P O) out to Brighton & Hove Clarion Cycling Club. Thanks to Suzanne and Jim Roger has had to withdraw from leading the two rides in March following medical advice after a leg operation which he was not expecting to have so early in the year. Thanks to Suzanne and Jim who have leaped into the breach (metaphorically speaking!) Easter Meet I'm attaching* the latest details from Bob about the Easter Meet along with this circular. The 'leisure ride' will also be one of our regular Sunday rides. Members will have also received booking details etc. [* not inclued on the website] Sheila's Reports After the report of the last ride you will find another of Sheila's ride reports - this time I tried to include the photos but my computer didn't seem to like it. But do have a look at the version on the webpage Longer, Faster Rides? 2nd Try I suggested last time that there may be members (or indeed 'friends') who find our regular 'potterer' style rides too short and/or two slow and might like to organise alternative rides (perhaps on Sundays in between our regular ones) or simply to let others of like-mind know rides they are planning. I asked any such to let me know so I could put them in touch with each other and - if anything came of this - start advertising the rides in this circular. I've had no responses to date. Is there anyone who is interested? Anyone interested in racing should of course contact Bob bikerider@phonecoop.coop. Future Rides … for the rest of 2010 No response either to my proposal about skipping 21 October when BST ends - so that's what we'll do Sundays 21 March (Jim), 4 April (Easter Sunday - This will be combined with a 'leisure ride' for people coming to the Eastbourne Meet who are not involved in the racing events. I've already planned this one.) 18 April, 2, 16, 30 May; 13, 27 June; 11, 25 July (Leon?), 8, 22 August; 5, 19 September; 3, 17, October; 7, 21 November; 5, 19 December. Offers to lead any of the unassigned rides - those not followed by someone's name – are needed and any volunteers, new or old, will be very warmly welcomed. Low Tide Ride - Anyone Interested? Roger has forwarded this message from Nick Sayers.
* * * The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s latest episode, with an interesting light on attitudes to religion in Clarion circles is as usual, at the end of the circular. Ian The Next Ride Please be clear that while all are welcome to join us we each take part in rides at our own risk. Sunday 7 March 2010 A ride using some familiar country roads but also incorporating a possible first for Clarion, the A23 cycle path - it's no jewel but it gets you in or out of Brighton fairly painlessly. We'll head east from Hassocks to Hurstpieroint, and then Albourne Green, probably not named after the splendid green dome on the 1930s road house; this used to be a stylish stop on the main London Road, but now houses offices next to a quiet set of traffic lights. Our next calling point will be the isolated village of Blackstone. The lanes get narrower and the Downs loom higher as we head towards Fulking; but don't worry, we're not going up them. We emerge from Clappers Lane into the village, which has some charming buildings, one, the Old Farmhouse, allegedly dating back to the 12th century. There's also a public tap dedicated to the memory of John Ruskin. Poynings is even more interesting because that's where we'll stop for lunch, at the Royal Oak. After lunch we press on to Pycombe, where we join the A23 cycle path. This is a useful bit of the Brighton cycle network, but very little used; count how many non-Clarion cyclists we pass as we travel along it, with the din of the A23 on our left and the invisible and relatively quiet train line to London on our right. Note the storm reservoirs, designed presumably to stop the railway being flooded, but now looking very overgrown. The last stage of our ride is on the A23 itself and takes us through Patcham and into Preston Park for a cup of tea at the café. Practicalities Suzanne The Last Ride - Tessa's Report Sunday 21 February [More photos on Flickr] I was very pleased to see Joyce and Fred when they turned up at Brighton Station. It was a rainy day but the optimists among us thought it would clear up. Jim joined the train at Lewes and we spent the journey planning a suitable 'inauguration' for Nick who had formally become a Clarion member. Ian and Nick were waiting at Polegate. Our luck was turning out to be mixed. I discovered I had left my warm and expensive ski gloves on the train. Luckily Ian had a spare pair to lend me and train expert Jim suggested I talk to the ticket clerk to see if he could retrieve them for me. Ticket clerk turned out to be a star - he bent over backwards to help, arranging for them to be dropped off at Polegate in time for our return journey - way beyond the call of duty. Photo taken, we set off in steady rain. (It had started to hail at Polegate before our arrival, so the optimists among us thought we were lucky to have missed that!) We were getting very wet, and under Woodham Bridge, all of us except Ian and Joyce, who were ahead, decided we would like to shorten the ride. We carried on to the shelter of Horsebeech Lane Bridge where we dug our heels in and after contacting Joyce by phone, decided to wait for their return - we knew our pub lunch stop was on the way back from the Heathfied end of the Trail. Reunited, 5 very cold and wet riders joined Ian and Joyce for the last few miles to the Kings Head pub where a watery sun was starting to filter through the clouds. Ironic that it turned out our only clear skies were when we were in the pub! What a relief to be in the warm. We stripped off, some more than others, and creatively tried to dry off bits of clothing - newspaper stuffed in shoes, constant use of the loo hand drier - Many had rather meagre bowls of soup, but it was hot and delicious, augmented by Nick's plate of cheesy chips which he shared. Conversation took in various cholestrol beating diets, fairy cakes, cinema and Joyce urged us to go on the 'Robin Hood Tax' website to click our support for a tax on speculative bank investments. [Don't forget to do this! IB] Nick's 'inauguration' was to be 'Fellowship is Life. Lack of Fellowship is Death' announced loudly 4 times in the pub. He deferred, saying he needed time to practice, he would do it on the Dieppe trip! We donned our still-wet clothes and headed off into the biting wind and rain. We got separated from Anne who took a slightly longer route back to the station It was only a few miles and we met up with her on the platform with only a few minutes to wait for our train. I had retrieved my warm and dry gloves from the ticket clerk. We waved goodbye to Nick, still on the platform waiting for the London train. Tessa Sheila's Reports 2) Sunday 22nd May 2005 - ride from Chichester. {See the illustrated version here] Six of us set off from Chichester railway station. It is a great station to cycle from as going we were almost immediately cycling along the towpath of the Chichester Canal. At the end of the path there was a heated discussion about whether to take the picturesque longer route even though we were we not meant to cycle along a small section of it, or take the shorter route along a busier road. We decided for the picturesque but took the wrong road and had to come back. Eventually we took the correct road and turned of the main road and cycled down lovely narrow roads with hedges full of cow parsley. We cycled through North Mundham and Fisher before a small discussion with two young men who told us what we already knew, that we shouldn't really have been cycling along this track. We eventually arrived at Sidlesham on the edge of Pagham Harbour and stopped for lunch at The Crab and Lobster. We ate well in the garden there. It is certainly a pub worth remembering. Ian meanwhile sat on a seat at the edge of Pagham Harbour and communed. Sheila The Origins of the Clarion Cycling Club and cycling in the 1890s 54. The Ashbourne Meet 'smoker' and Sheol. The penultimate episode of of 'The Easter Meet. Evolution of the Cycle' from the Clarion, 20 April 1895 Like me you may not have previously come across Sheol. It seems that it was, according to parts of the Hebrew scriptures/Old Testament where all the dead went - 'good' and 'bad' alike. Hence, presumably, the attraction of the concept to some Clarionettes. If you look back to the very first episode (on the history page of our website) you'll see that Tom Groom (aka the O' Groomie O) was also Secretary of the Bond Street Labour Church in Birmingham - with my explanatory note. You get I think an idea of the religious radicalism which for some was part of the 'socialist revival' of the1890s. Blatchford's attack on organised religion in God and My Neighbour in 1903 shocked some people more than his socialism. The appearance of the banker in the second stanza of 'A Dream' seems quite contemporary, doesn't it, though they don't seem to be so keen on charitable good deeds (or deodands - see note after the extract) these days?
The O' Groomie O also read a paper dealing with the same subject - the conversion from a Birmingham point of view - of Sheol which was well received. ----------------------------------- [After we sang 'The Red Flag' (all the verses!) at Sheila's funeral some people didn't seem to know the meaning of 'pelf' (let's hope because they've never indulged in it themselves) so perhaps I better explain that a 'deodand' is something forfeited or given to God. IB] Next time - Easter Sunday at the Meet (and the'Beery Person' re-emerges) |