Dear fellow members and friends
11 December 2005
Lunch at the Swan
Well, as luck would have it, the way things turned out there were lots of people who couldn't make it – but thanks for letting me know, which is always appreciated.
Fred, Sue, Ian, Mary, Brian and Dave
Dave, Brian, Sue, Ian and Mary
Organic shopping at Falmer farm shop
On Saturday we had 2 'regulars' from the 2005 rides programme, 4 current members, 2 members of the former (1950s) Brighton Section, and 2 spouses… making 6 in all! It was nice to see Dave Gravett – who was a member in the '50s together with Brian. And as a result we had some fascinating reminiscences of those times – such as the dozen or two dozen who used to turn out for Clarion rides, and the sprints with riders spread right across the main London Road that used to take place from the 30 mph sign near the Pylons. Difficult to imagine how little traffic was about then – even when like me you were around (though not in Brighton) in those days. Brian's account of his 'short' (only 35 miles) weekly training ride which never took him more than a few miles from Brighton but involved riding up about 10 formidable hills including Ditchling Beacon made Fred feel knackered just listening to him. There was no support for my suggestion that we might use the route for a Sunday ride in the New Year.
There is of course no rule that says we can have only one social event per year – so if anyone would like to take on organising something in the New Year which would give those who had to miss last Saturday a second chance, so to speak – please let me know and I'll be very happy to put it in the next – or subsequent – circular.
2006 AGM
Which reminds me. We have by rule to have the AGM between 1 January and 13 February. And I have to give at least 21 days notice – so we have to be thinking about it. It would help if members – ones who would like to come at least! – and above all the Chair, Treasurer, Racing Secretary (yes, we do have one!) and Webmaster, would let me know which days of the week are best for them. I'll start – I'd like to avoid a Friday, as I'm sure would Ed.
Also, give a thought to any motions – or changes to the constitution (which is on the webpage) that you'd like to propose or anything else you'd like to raise.
Future Rides
Having had to miss the last 2 rides, I now seem to be OK (cross fingers) for all the scheduled Sundays in January, February and early March but will be away on 26 March and 9 April. As we all know seemingly distant dates have a habit of suddenly catching up with one, so volunteers to take on one (or both) can't be too early.
The Next Rides
Sunday 18 December - Last Ride of the Year!
And now for something … completely flat. Shoreham Airport and Back. c 20 miles.
Stopping at Carat's Café for coffee and Shoreham Airport for lunch. I've worked out a route which, though the return part is sometimes only a few yards from the outward one, only involves coming back exactly the same way for about a quarter of the total – mainly the cycle path along the seafront.
Not one of our idyllic rural routes, but it does make even the Pevensey Levels seem hilly. And it's not devoid of scenic bits – the seafront of course, the views from the Shoreham Harbour locks, the footbridge over the Adur, and the toll bridge later, the splendidly 1930s Shoreham Airport building itself – most recently spotted on TV in a repeat of Fortunes of War masquerading as Bucharest Airport – and the view from there of that gem of the Gothic Revival by R H Carpenter, Lancing College chapel. And we pass by both the medieval churches in Old (St Nicholas) and New (St Mary de Haura) Shoreham. (For those who don't know the difference, Old Shoreham is where the Old Shoreham Road goes to.)
Meet by the Palace Pier at 10.30 – or along the route at e g Maroccos. About 20 miles give or take depending on where you live/or are cycling from.
Since our next 'Clarion Sunday' falls on 1 January I thought we ought to do something – but something mimimally energetic. It may sound a bit repetitive given the most recent ride and the one next Sunday but I'm proposing a gentle canter out to Carat's Café for a late brunch. I'm hoping that this easiest of starts to the year may tempt out some of those we seldom see – or even have yet to see.
Meet by the Palace Pier at 11am – or along the route at e g Maroccos. Only about 9 miles – plus from home and back to the Pier.
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