Dear fellow members and friends
20 January 2005
This circular is about subs, social events and reports; details of the next two rides will be sent out next week. But you’ve already had details for 30 January in last mailing.
If you're a 2004 member you should have already received your 2005 membership card, handbook and copy of the Clarion. Last year we added nothing to the £4 national membership fee, but though we didn't spend much – and aren't planning to do so in 2005 – there were and are a few costs. So the AGM decided to add £1 section subscription making the overall sub £5.
Now, this is where it gets just a little complicated. If you're already a member, and you haven't already done so, please send £5 to our Treasurer – who will then pass on £4 for forward transmission to the National Treasurer. At moment we haven't a section bank account, so if sending a cheque make it out to Joyce Edmond-Smith. Her address is 32 Bentham Road, Brighton.
Or, reply to this email telling me that you will give us the cash when you next see one of us – Joyce or me – and I'll include you when sending off the national subs. [I'll get you at playtime if you say you will then don't cough up!]
If you're one of the 24 friends on our mailing list you hasn't yet joined – but would like to – you'll need to fill in and sign a membership form. Reply to this email with your (terrestrial) address and I'll be more than happy to send you one.
Social Events
We also decided at the AGM to meet for a meal at the Thai Restaurant at the Beaufort in Queens Park Road at 8 pm on Wednesday 9 February. Everyone is invited, members and friends alike. We probably won't need to book, but I will do if people let me know either on the 30 January ride or by email or phone by then.
Report of 16 January ride by Fred
Worth Way from Three Bridges to East Grinstead and back
The weather was promising in Brighton – mild, no rain, even a spot of sun – and there was a good turn-out too: Joyce leading, Richard and Sharen, regulars from last Summer, Sheila and me, Fred. Ian had the day off. The journey to Three Bridges (where are those three bridges?) was uneventful, apart from the Thameslink train having nowhere to put bikes. From Three Bridges station we followed Adam Trimingham's advice to walk our bikes along the pavement, under the bridge, and onto Station Hill (hill! nobody told me about a hill! actually it wasn't much of a gradient).
![Sheila, Joyce, Sharen and Richard](images/worth1.jpg)
Sheila, Joyce, Sharen and Richard
Soon we were at the beginning of Worth Way, a mainly flat slightly undulating old railway track, mostly lacking in views and modern sculptures. As we left the first section of the Way, Sheila had to call it a day and Joyce escorted her back. The rest of us took a break to examine St Nicholas church, Worth, a fine saxon specimen with a 1610 gallery and friendly congregation (a well attended service was about to start at 11.30).
![St Nicholas church, Worth](images/worth2.jpg)
St Nicholas church, Worth
The well signposted (now that it is part of a Sustrans route) Worth Way continued east, passing an old railway station at Rowfant, some ponds, and making detours through Crawley suburbia.
![Rowfant station](images/worth3.jpg)
Rowfant station
Almost at East Grinstead I discovered that my bottom bracket had come loose and managed to get it screwed back in by hand (must remember to bring tools next time, though my all-in-one bike tool back home was obviously an old imperial one and was no use either!).
Is it supposed to be so colourful?
We negotiated the interesting roundabout, complete with cycle lanes, near East Grinstead station and began to search for a pub. East Grinstead looks more olde worlde than I'd imagined, with lots of half-timbered buildings.
![Roundabout, complete with cycle lanes](images/worth6.jpg)
Roundabout, complete with cycle lanes
We chained up at The Dorset Arms (Greene King), which seemed to have an Ozzy theme inside, and had lunch – Joyce had a very eccentric (Australian?) house salad of green beans and mashed potato (photo available on request).
![The Dorset Arms](images/worth5.jpg)
The Dorset Arms
We'd intended to explore part of the Forest Way, but we were out of condition after the Xmas excesses and lack of exercise so decided to head back. We'll do the Forest Way another day. The way back seemed more downhill than the way there, and we got a brief glimpse of sun. Back at East Grinstead station we had to struggle up some steps to get onto the platform (the platform we'd arrived on had a ramp). Another Thameslink train took us back to Brighton.
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