The Merseyside connection
52 Merlin Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool
George Pipes 18471930
moved from Derby to Salford, then to Liverpool.
When his wife Sarah died (in Halifax), he was living at 19 Kinder Street, Liverpool
(unvisited but believed demolished),
working as an Iron Works Storekeeper.
A year later he married Edith Lilian Winskill,
daughter of Peter Turner Winskill, the temperance reformer.
According to the marriage certificate:
14 August 1897 George Pipes (age 49 - but says 45 on marriage cert)
marries Edith Lilian Winskill (age 21) in Toxteth Park Register Office
George Pipes: an engineers' store keeper, living 52 Merlin Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool
Edith living 109 North Hill Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool; father Peter Turner Winskill,
temperence author and lecturer; witnessed by P T Winskill and John Ralph Charlton.
The houses at Merlin Street (above) and North Hill Street (below) still stand,
despite many streets in Toxteth being under threat of demolition
(including Ringo Starr's house at at 9 Madryn Street, Toxteth, Liverpool 8 nearby).
109 North Hill Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool
On 28 April 1900 George Samuel Pipes born at 82 King Street in Egremont, over the water on The Wirral, though it says Liscard, Birkenhead on the birth certificate. This house too still exists.
82 King Street, Egremont
According to the 1901 census,
they were then living at 77 Elmswood Road, Birkenhead (not yet visited)
George P: Engineers' store keeper, age 53
Edith L P: wife, age 24
Florence P: age 20
Hilda P, age 2
George P, age 11 months
Some time before 1907, the family moved to Bury
(George Samuels' older sister Hilda was born in Swinton, 24 November 1898).
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