Mr Arthur Jenkinson & Mr F H Calf


On Saturday, 3rd September, after much posing on the part of the ladies to have their photos taken, the Misses Shawyer were kind enough to show us the Chrysanthemums which were greatly admired. Here Messrs Phillips and Whittington caused a disturbance by simultaneously dashing after a large pear, the size of a marble. As we were entering the yard, a kitten broke cover, causing great consternation among the more nervous of the male members of the party mistaking same for a rat.

We started for our ride about 6.30 o’clock, crossing the Bath Road and going in the direction of Hatton, when an unfortunate incident occurred to Miss Enid Neighbour’s back tyre, which burst with a loud report. Our worthy President was promptly on the scene, and with many helpers, the damage was quickly repaired.

Once more in the saddle, we made our way to Chertsey, via Littleton. Here we checked for refreshments which were seemingly enjoyed, by the way they disappeared.

After a short rest we remounted for the return journey, some little time being lost by Mr Whittington’s lamp refusing to light. However, with much coaxing this difficulty was surmounted.

The next place we passed through being Laleham, where there was a dance in progress, and we had much trouble in inducing Mr Phillips to leave the village, he expressing a desire to join the merry throng. Thence through Ashford and Stanwell on to the Bath Road again, where Miss Flossie Heyward left us for Longford.

We eventually arrived home about ten o’clock, after a very pleasant ride, the new Clerk of the Weather being extremely considerate.



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